Gujarat Police Physical Running Exam Detail
Police Constable Bharti 2019 [Physical Test]
Candidate Category Height Weight Chest
Without Expand Expand
Male (General, OBC) 165 cm 50 kg 79 cm 84 cm
Male (ST,SC) 162 cm 50 kg 79 cm
Female (General, OBC) 155 cm 40 kg – –
Female (ST,SC) 150 cm 40kg
Police Bharti Running Test
Candidate Category Race Distance Time Duration
Male 5 KM 25 min.
Female 1.6 KM 9.30 min.
ધોરણ 3 થી 12 વિડીયો કોર્સ (💥FREE)
ધોરણ-3 | ધોરણ-4 | ધોરણ-5 |
ધોરણ-6 | ધોરણ-7 | ધોરણ-8 |
ધોરણ-9 | ધોરણ-10 | STD-11 |
ધોરણ-12 | ધોરણ-11 | STD-12 |
Police Running Test Marks will be base on your race complating time. Here Is Full list of race complating time with marks details. for male candidates you have to complate 5km distance in maximum 25mins for passing police running test. female candidates have to complate 1.6km distance in 9.30min for passing. if you complate this distance before maximum time limit then you will get marks in below rasio.
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